Please click on the list of questions found below for answers to most general enquiries. Alternatively please feel free to contact us via the details below or use the email contact form section at the bottom of the list.
In- year admissions
If you wish to apply for a place at the school outside the normal admissions round you should complete Croydon’s in-year application form, naming this school, and submit it to the Council, with any supporting evidence required. All admission information is available on this website.
September new Reception Intake admissions
Details of Reception admissions are available on the school website. Croydon Local Authority handle all admissions to the School. If you would like to visit the school please contact the office to arrange this: 01737 553 255 or .
We expect all children to wear school uniform. This is a maroon cardigan or jumper and grey trousers, skirt or pinafore. We have a tie during winter months, with a white shirt. Uniform can be purchased via the Your Image website.
The school doors open at 08:40 and registers are taken at 08:50. It is important to develop good habits by arriving punctually every day. If your child arrives after 08:50 please ensure that you sign them in using the electronic system located in the KS2 Office. This is not just so that we can monitor punctuality, but is essential for fire safety and security.
A school meal is available at a cost of £2.30 a day for children in KS2. Reception and KS1 children will receive a free lunch under the present government scheme. Payment should be made via ScoPay. If your child is eligible for Free School Meals pleasure ensure that you apply even if your child is in KS1. Forms are available on the school website. A copy of the menu is also available on the school website.
School finishes at 3.15 p.m. Children in Reception, Years 1 and 2 must be collected by a known adult. Please let us know if someone different from usual is collecting your child. Older children are permitted, with your agreement, to go home by themselves.
Most children, from Treehouse and Reception to Year 6, are in school between 8.40am - 3.15pm (excluding any wraparound care) which is 6 hours and 35 minutes per day.
Each week, this equates to 32 hours and 55 minutes.
Bring your child to school on time. Arriving late can mean that your child misses important information about the lesson. It can also be embarrassing for your child and is disruptive for the class.
Please ensure that you attend parent/teacher consultation days and special events in school; help during swimming lessons (you will require a DBS safeguarding check please speak to school about this); help out with fund raising; offer to go on school trips; notify us of absences; read all the letters that are sent home; support your child with homework; read together; give praise and encouragement.
We welcome parents and carers in school. If you would like to help, please let us know.
We can meet a variety of special needs in school. Please discuss your child’s needs with his/her class teacher and/or our SEN Team.
Any child may have Special Educational Needs; this includes those who are MAGT (More Able and Gifted students). However, More Able and Gifted students are not defined as students with special educational needs and so would not be automatically registered on the Special Needs register. The school recognises that gifted students have the right to challenging and appropriate work. This adapted learning will be planned and delivered by teaching staff.
We have some specialist staff available to help children in their acquisition of English as an additional language.
Ask for an appointment to talk to the class teacher about your concerns. If you are still anxious, please ask to be put in touch with your Phase Leader who will be able to offer you further advice and support.
No. There is no parking available for parents and carers. Please park your car away from the school gates, never park on the yellow zig-zag lines and do not block neighbours driveways. The area outside school becomes very congested and is then unsafe for children arriving and leaving school.
Yes we run both a Breakfast Club and After School Club. All information and prices for Breakfast and After School Club can be found by clicking the links below:
Yes please see the list of clubs on the school website.
Please make sure all clothing is clearly marked with your child’s name so that it can be returned if found. We collect lots of lost property each term. Reception lost property is kept in the Reception classrooms, KS1 lost property is located by the Year 2 entrance and KS2 lost property can be found in the KS2 photocopying room. Unclaimed items may be disposed of.
For safety reasons children should not wear any jewellery in school. However, they may wear a wrist watch and if your child has pierced ears, small studs may be worn. These will need to removed or covered for PE lessons and swimming sessions.
Children should bring in PE kits to wear at the beginning of each week. Children should wear their team PE top, blue shorts, trainers and/or plimsolls. In cold weather please remember to include joggers and a warm top in PE bag.
Water is available throughout the school. Please ensure that your child has a named drinking bottle which he/she can fill. Bottles can be purchased via ScoPay. Any purchased bottles are then delivered to the children in their classrooms.
There is some shade in the playground. We recommend that during hot weather your child brings a sun hat to wear in the playground and a water bottle which can be filled throughout the day.
In hot weather please remember to put 24 hour sun cream on before school.
If your child is unwell please call the school office to inform them that your child will not be attending school. If your child has sickness and/or diarrhoea please remember that he/she should not return to school until 48 hours has elapsed since the last bout of sickness and/or diarrhoea. Please send a letter in when your child returns to school.
Parents can arrange to come into school to administer medication to their own children if necessary. Only medicines prescribed by a doctor can be administered by the school. Antibiotic doses that are administered 3 times a day should be given before and after school and at bedtime. If the medicine is required 4 times a day please ask in the office for staff to give any additional required dose. Parents are asked to complete and sign a medication request form. Children with asthma, severe allergies, etc keep their medication in the school; these are given by a First Aid trained member of staff. It is a parents responsibility to keep a check on expiry dates of any medication held in school.
Unfortunately, sometimes children do have accidents or become unwell whilst they are at school and we need to call you. It can add to your child’s distress if we are unable to contact you. Please ensure that we have up to date contact telephone numbers for you and tell us straight away if these change.
We are a cashless school, with all trips, school meals etc being paid via Scopay. When your child starts at Chipstead Valley you will receive a letter setting out your username and password login details. The Scopay website can be found at:
We aim to send as much correspondence home via Tucasi, a paperless system which sends emails and texts to parents who have signed up, as possible. When your child starts at Chipstead Valley we request that you use this reliable method of receiving all school communications.
School milk is available for all children, with under 5’s able to receive free school milk. If you wish your child to have milk you must register online. The necessary form is available on the school website.
Book bags can be purchased via the Your Image link on the School website. This bag will help to protect your child’s book from the weather and accidental damage.
Children should not bring toys, sweets, valuables or money, mobile phones, iPads, iPods etc into school. We cannot be responsible for children’s property.
Teachers are busy settling their classes first thing in the morning and can only receive the briefest of messages at that time. They are more easily available at the end of the day when they have dismissed their classes. Teachers are happy to make appointments to see you if you would like a longer chat. Teachers also meet parents and carers at parent/teacher consultation evenings. We would also recommend using email to contact your child's class teacher.
Yes. Children are elected to the School Council by their class mates. The School Council meets regularly and discusses a range of issues.
To support with their learning in school, all children at Chipstead Valley are provided with other learning opportunities to complete at home.
All children are asked to read their phonics/stage book to an adult at least three times a week. In addition to this, children can also read and share their library book and books from home to encourage reading for pleasure. Alongside reading, children in Reception are given a weekly phonics sound sheet to complete and children in years 1-6 are given weekly spellings to learn, linked to their year group expectations, and a weekly test will take place in school.
Children in years 1-6 are provided with either an English or maths task weekly to complete at home. This is always linked to their learning in school and is an opportunity to consolidate their learning and share this with their adults at home.
Additionally, in years 1-6 children are given a termly topic project linked to one of their wider curriculum topics. This is a points-based project where children have the freedom to choose from a variety of exciting tasks to complete in order to earn points. This allows them to engage with the topic even more and deepen their understanding by completing tasks linked to art, DT, writing, history, outdoor learning and much more!
In summary, you should expect to receive:
We love to hear about any additional learning or extra-curricular activities the children take part in so please share these with class teachers too!
No. No holiday will be authorised during term time. Any absences (other than through illness or exceptional circumstances) will be recorded as unauthorised and you may incur a fixed penalty fine.
We use Tucasi to contact all parents; please ensure you keep your account updated with current email addresses and contact numbers. You can also check our website for updates: and OpenCheck.