

Children are using the internet more and more in their everyday lives.  Together, we must make sure children remain safe online.

E-Safety at CVPS:

E-Safety information is displayed in all classrooms and all children have signed an Acceptable Use document ensuring they use technology in school appropriately. Children are also taught E-Safety in line with the new Computing Curriculum.

Year 1:
-That when online, people are not always who they say they are.
-The importance of politeness and courtesy both on and off the internet.
-Who to speak to if they feel they may be in danger.
-The uses of ICT inside and outside of school and to use it responsibly.

Year 2:
-That personal information is as valuable online as it is offline
-That not everyone they meet is automatically trustworthy
– To know who they can talk to about online issues
-The importance of checking with an adult before participating in the online environment and know when it is wise to turn to a trusted adult for help
-To be open about their online experiences with a trusted adult.

Year 3:
-To understand potential risks but also be aware that they can learn how to deal with them
-To experiment with methods of communication that they are unfamiliar with, such as chat rooms
-To become aware of the SMART thinking messages that are designed to help them use the Internet and communicate safely
-To become aware of the personal safety issues of giving away personal information online and how it is possible to get into difficulty.

Year 4:
-To become aware of the safety issues of giving away personal information online and how it is possible to get into difficulty
-How to handle messages appropriately and safely
-To explain that there could be risks with using e-mail but there are actions they can take to keep themselves and their computers safe
-To be aware of some of the potential risks associated with chat rooms and instant messaging.

Year 5:
-To identify types of potentially risky messages and know how to take appropriate action.
-To be aware of how vulnerable mobile phones are and should be able to look after their own more carefully
-A range of strategies to deal with difficult situations.
-To make comparisons between information they would be happy to give away in the offline world compared to the online world.

Year 6:
-To explain how they would manage a situation on line
-The importance of age restrictions on social media sites
-To know how to access help if they feel uncomfortable on line
-What is meant by the term Cyber Bullying and to give advice on how to deal with a cyber-bullying situation.


How can you help at home?

There are plenty of ways you can help children stay safe online at home:




Supporting Children online document:



Online gaming document:



Top Tips for iPhone document:
