Archive for July 2020
Week 14- 13.07.20
Please find the distance learning for this week in the links below: English Year 3 English Mathematics Year 3 Maths Discovery Decades Discovery 1990s and 2000s 200709_olympics_ge_final_proof_ In music this week, please continue to complete the work which has been uploaded to your Charanga Yumu account.
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Please find the distance learning for this week in the links below: English English Week 14 Mathematics Maths Week 14.pptx Lesson-1-Vertically-opposite-angles Lesson-2-Angles-in-a-triangle-missing-angles Lesson-3-Angles-in-special-quadrilaterals Lesson-4-Angles-in-regular-polygons Discovery Decades Discovery 1990s and 2000s 200709_olympics_ge_final_proof_ In music this week, please continue to complete the work which has been uploaded to your Charanga Yumu account.
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Please find the distance learning for this week in the links below: English 13.07.20. English Mathematics 13.07.20. Y5 MATHS Discovery Decades Discovery 1990s and 2000s 200709_olympics_ge_final_proof_ In music this week, please continue to complete the work which has been uploaded to your Charanga Yumu account.
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Please find the distance learning for this week in the links below: English English fourth live lesson Mathematics maths fourth live session Discovery Decades Discovery 1990s and 2000s 200709_olympics_ge_final_proof_ In music this week, please continue to complete the work which has been uploaded to your Charanga Yumu account.
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Please find the distance learning for this week in the links below: English Reception English wk July 13 Mathematics Reception Maths week 14 Discovery Decades Discovery 1990s and 2000s 090720_ks1_olympics In music this week, please continue to complete the work which has been uploaded to your Charanga Yumu account.
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Please find the distance learning for this week in the links below: English Treehouse Story Based Activities – wk 14 Mathematics Elmer matching boards Elmer matching cards Treehouse Maths week 14 Discovery Elmer decorated biscuits Elmer Home Learning Decades Discovery 1990s and 2000s 090720_ks1_olympics In music this week, please continue to complete the work which…
Read MoreWeek 14- 13.07.20
Please find the distance learning for this week in the links below: English English- Week 14 English- Spreading Wings Transition Year 1 phonics Mathematics Maths- Week 14 Discovery Decades Discovery 1990s and 2000s 090720_ks1_olympics In music this week, please continue to complete the work which has been uploaded to your Charanga Yumu account.
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Please find the distance learning for this week in the links below: English ENGLISH week 4 13.7.20 Mathematics maths wb 13.7.20 Discovery Decades Discovery 1990s and 2000s 090720_ks1_olympics In music this week, please continue to complete the work which has been uploaded to your Charanga Yumu account.
Read MoreWeek 13- 06.07.20
Please find the distance learning for this week in the links below: English Reception English week 13 Mathematics Reception Maths week 13 Discovery Decades Discovery 70s and 80s 020720-ks1-white-lies-ab In music this week, please continue to complete the work which has been uploaded to your Charanga Yumu account.
Read MoreWeek 13- 06.07.20
Please find the distance learning for this week in the links below: English Pirates phase 2 phonics Pirates what can you see Pirates phase 2 phonics Pirates Home Learning Challenge Sheet Pirate Themed Pencil Control Activity Sheets Pirate Themed Cutting Skills Activity Mathematics Pirate Maths Activity Booklet Treehouse Maths week thirteen Discovery Decades Discovery 70s…
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