International Learning
Meet the Global Scholars!
Children across Year 5 created videos to introduce themselves to the Global Scholars community. Pupils wrote scripts before filming their introductions.
A Different Perspective
Children were given a small piece of a larger image and asked to finish the picture. They were fascinated by the different drawings, which are influenced by our cultures and experiences. We discussed how many people around the world see things differently to us. We are all unique and have a unique perspective.
Unit 2 Digital Project
For our Unit 2 digital project, we created a digital guide to teach local and international visitors about a natural place in our city.
We thought about the following questions:
- What do you want people to know about the flora, fauna, and landscapes in this place?
- Are there cultural or recreational activities?
- How can visitors access the place and help conserve the nature there?
We shared our digital guides with our peers in other cities and received feedback in the e-classroom.
1. Global Scholars Unit 2 Digital Guide
2. Global Scholars Unit 2 Digital Guide
3. Global Scholars Unit 2 Digital Guide
4. Global Scholars Unit 2 Digital Guide
Unit 3 Digital Project
In this unit, we put our creative and digital skills to the test! We designed a new green space for our school - a roof garden with living walls, insect hotels and even rainwater collection device to keep our roof plants healthy!
We used Tinkercad to create a digital design and also made 3D models using recycled materials.