New Parents Pack
Please click here for Online admission forms
Chipstead Valley New Reception and Nursery
The Admissions Team: ( or bring the completed form to the school office in a sealed envelope.
Information for new parents
Due to the current restrictions in place, we are unable to hold parent evenings at present. Instead, we have created presentations to share useful information, including video messages from our staff and a virtual school tour.
Reception Welcome Presentation
Dates for your diary
School Start dates - Reception
Start dates
On Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th September 2020, new reception children will visit their teacher and classroom for 10 minutes on one of the above dates. Parents will be advised of individual appointments.
On Wednesday 9th to Friday 11th September, all reception children will be invited to attend either a full morning or afternoon session. Morning sessions will begin at 9.15am until 11.30am and afternoon sessions will begin at 12.30pm until 2.45pm. Parents will be informed of the session their child should attend.
On Monday 14th to Friday 18th September 2020 ALL children will attend for the morning and will stay for lunch with staggered drop off and pick up times:
Hedgehogs - 8.30am until 12.50pm
Rabbits and Squirrels - 8.40am until 1.00pm
On these days children will be provided with a hot dinner in our canteen, alternatively, you are welcome to provide your child with a packed lunch.
All children will attend full-time from Monday 21st September 2020, unless parents and/or staff feel that a further period of part-time attendance would be beneficial. Staggered drop off and pick up times will remain in place as follows:
Hedgehogs - 8.30am drop off, 2.55pm pick up
Rabbits/Squirrels - 8.40am drop off, 3.05pm pick up
On Monday 7th and Tuesday 8th September, new nursery children will visit their keyworker and classroom for 10 minutes on one of the above dates. Parents will be advised of individual appointments.
On Wednesday 9th to Friday 11th September, all nursery children will be invited to attend a short nursery session lasting 1 hour and 30 minutes either in the morning or afternoon. Parents will be informed of the session their child should attend.
On Monday 14th to Friday 18th September 2020 ALL children will attend for a full morning or afternoon session. Morning sessions will begin at 8.30am until 11.30am and afternoon sessions will begin at 12.30pm until 3.30pm. The sessions given to you will reflect the nursery hour hours you have been given in your offer. Those with 30 hours funding will be notified of the session to attend.
All nursery children will attend their full allocated hours from Monday 21st September 2020, unless parents and/or staff feel that a further period of part-time attendance would be beneficial.
Other Reception Forthcoming Events 2020 dates to be advised
Reception Reading and Writing evening - to be advised, 19:00 in the KS2 Hall
Reception Maths and Foundation evening - to be advised, 19:00 in KS2 Hall.
If your child is eligible for free school meals please complete the online form below:
Free School Meals - Apply here
Other info:
School milk information letter